Sunday, April 10, 2011

Excerpt from meditation on Revealed Truth

Difficulties arise, though, when we don't want the Holy Spirit to keep transforming us. It's like setting out on a journey and deciding to set down roots somewhere along the way, then telling your companion to get lost. On a spiritual journey, at least a Christian journey, your roots can't be in a place or one, absolute understanding of the biblical text or an inflexible theology. Your roots must be in your companion - in Christ himself. If your roots aren't in him, then whatever you think the Bible requires or whatever theology you cling to, it won't be the Truth, God's Truth, an inerrant truth, or even a human truth. It will be meaningless, worthless. In learning to run the race of life and faith with my eyes fixed on Christ, keeping him always before me (Hebrews 12:1-2), I discovered something I thought remarkable when I was in college, but, later, came to see it as just part of the Spirit's work, when we let him keep at us, and that is - if I am rooted in Christ, then he becomes the lens through which I see everything in life, a lens that functions like a microscope, telescope, and corrective glasses. Thus he transforms how I see, what I see, even that I see.

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